Thailand Set To Launch Two More Budget Airlines in 2020.

The new year 2020 will see the emergence of two new budget airlines preparing to take off. The past decade has been challenging for Thailand’s legacy airline with Thailand’s flagship Thai Airways struggling these days, it is therefore a welcome boost to the aviation industry in the country to see new entrants taking up the challenge to improve the aviation sector in a cheap, efficient and profitable environment.

The two new budget airlines, Thai Summer Airways and Thai Eastar Jet have all gained Air Operating Licenses from the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand and are now in the process of gaining their Air Operator Certificates.
CAAT law states that 'new airlines must commence commercial flights within 12 months of being granted their AOL'. Technically, the two airlines will have to go into operation before the end of next year.

Both airlines planing to offer charter flights in the early stages of operation until their full schedules settle in. The two will be the first Thai-registered airliners to begin commercial flights since Thailand was red-flagged by the International Civil Aviation Authority in June 2015 due to “significant safety concerns.” This safety concerns was however lifted in October 2017 by ICAO indicating that Thailand’s aviation safety standards now meet international benchmarks.

Thai Eastar Jet, a joint venture between Thai and South Korean investors, will begin by operating charter services between Bangkok and the Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung, but it plans to build a core business flying between Thailand and South Korea.

Thai Summer Airways on the other hand is a joint venture between with Chinese investors, will concentrate on routes between Thailand and China using Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

Both new airlines are jumping aboard the trend for increased Thai tourism, with tourist numbers in Thailand are up by nearly 3% in 2019. Western tourist numbers have flatlined but Asian tourism is on the rise, especially from China and India.

Across Asia, incomes are rising and more people are flying more frequently, with more airlines taking up the challenge and opening more destinations.

The coming of the new airlines will further create the enabling environment for job creation. Pilots, Cabin crew, Engineers etc will be hired to run the operations of the budget carriers.

Aviation Roundtable blog will provide information on job prospects for those interested when the information is available.


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